CIFEJ has a new website!

CIFEJ has a new website!


Beautiful dynamic pages with warm colors; Moving banner on top of the main page for hot news; The ability to reflect News and information on the website very fast and on a daily basis; Production Guide, a totally dynamic space for the promotion of the newest film and video productions. Our members can upload text information, photos, and trailers to showcase their work for free;  Panorama, an updated list of the film festivals all over the world accessible both online (only for members) and in pdf format (for all visitors);   Who’s Who, an updated list of the members, their biography, and contact address accessible online only for members; Bilingual Brochure of CIFEJ which has been just published in two languages, English and French, is accessible in pdf format on the website; The colored magazine “CIFEJ INFO” is accessible online; though its printed copy is also available.

We achieved one of our goal, Now what?

Our goal was to launch the new site to facilitate the access of our members to the latest information about children and media and to facilitate the exchange of ideas. It took a tremendous amount of effort from several people but we're very proud that we've made it happen. Now, we need you to share your most exciting News with us. Don’t miss the chance to see and let yourself to be seen!

CIFEJ Headquarters

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  • The Election of CIFEJ President and members of the Board was held online and via Election Buddy, on Sunday 27 of November 2022.
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