The XII DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival , Kharkov, Ukraine

The XII DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival , Kharkov, Ukraine

The XII DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival , Kharkov, Ukraine

The XII DYTIATKO International Children’s Media Festival has ended in Kharkiv. Most of the events – master classes, creative meetings, work of the festival jury for the safety of participants – were held online. At the same time, Kharkiv residents and guests of the city had the opportunity to see the competition program in cinemas. The closing ceremony of the festival was held online.
“This twelfth festival was really special. Both in content, and in organizational, and in mental sense. Once again confirming that live communication, the joy of acquaintances and meetings are very valuable concepts that have suddenly become extremely scarce from the usual and everyday ones.
Therefore, while congratulating all the winners of the festival-2020 for performing a real creative feat by creating their works this year under strict quarantine, I still want to express my hopes and expectations that the next DYTIATKO Festival will be traditionally crowded: with a variety of locations and applied master classes with a wide range of interests", the president of the DYTIATKO Festival Sergii Chernov said.
The jury members expressed their impressions of the participants works, highlighting their initiative, perseverance and interesting ideas that were conveyed in their creative works.
Andrii Kulykov (Ukraine): “Current experience has shown that even at a great distance from each other, we can do successful things. Perseverance, initiative, ingenuity, of course, on the basis of curiosity – all of this describes DYTIATKO".
Pablo de La Chica (Spain): “My greeting to the festival participants which, despite the quarantine, was held at a high level. I saw good, professional stories. I feel really happy and want to thank you for the time I spent watching high-quality, in-depth movies that protect children’s rights".
Liset Cotera (Mexico): "I am very happy that even in such a difficult situation, the organizers found the opportunity to bring us all together. Now, unfortunately, we communicate at a distance, but still our emotions find each other. I enjoyed watching the competition program, and it was very difficult to choose the best film, especially for CIFEJ Prize".
As a result, the CIFEJ Prize was given to the film "The wall between us" by director Norbert Lechner from Germany.

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